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Thursday, January 28, 2010

Monday, January 25, 2010

More Outrageous Boasting

I blather on about my recent publishing successes over at http://publishersmarketplace.com/members/johnklawitter/

Hey, Go Write Your Own Bible. I Did.

Hell, it wasn't all that tough. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John between all four of them never massed enough credits
to graduate from even Gomorrah City College. As for me, well, I have, and then some.

Okay, but why would I do such a thing? I ask you, why not? Important subject, don't you think? Look, if 7,513 horny,
middle-aged lady scribblers can make a living writing cotton candy porn and calling it romance literature, there ought
to be room on the mighty amazon.com for one more stinking tome about how we came to be us and the meaning of everything.

Brace yourself. Do a few mentals. Pretend you're Moebius'classic anti-hero John D. Fool,
Class B Detective, gulp a shot of ouski and get ready to meet your goddess.

Grab your rosary, spin your prayer wheel and see if you can still levitate. Oops, heaven...
no, hell...wait, maybe you should set a spell...hug your teddy, grab your jewels, this here's no place
for weak-kneed fools...that's right, son...you're in the biblical zone.

See the book video on YouTube: "Rogue Pirate's Bible Heretical Advance Promo"

Friday, January 22, 2010

The Explosive Nature of Global Mobility

In the 1970's (yes, that long ago), I produced a
documentary with Franklin McMahon, Sr.,
World Cities 1970's. Franklin, a fine American
artist, sees himself (he's still alive and painting)
as an artist reporter. He went around the world
and drew what he saw, and we translated that
into a documentary that reported on the world-wide
migration of people from the rural to the urban,
and from country to country.

What we saw were the beginnings of new problems
that would be forced on old societies. When you
have treasured cultural, historical and political
documents--the Magna Carta, the U.S. Declaration
of independence & Bill of Rights, the cultural
code of ethics, books like the Bible--in clear conflict
with the cultural ethics of other countries through
mass import of a labor force, questions of cultural
assimulation and clashes become very important.

There are societies that are still mulling familial roles,
sexual customs, religion in politics, the relationship
between government and citizens, the very foundations
of our civilization in this country, and indeed in much
of Western Europe. We have immigrants living in the US
who kill their daughters for refusing dictated marriages.
We have sects that believe in polygamy. We have men
who believe their wives and children are their possessions.
We have new people who don't believe in religious freedom,
and others who believe power is right.

Assimilation is a slow and difficult process. Generational citizens
of our country often expect too much too soon of the imports.
And the new people naturally hope to continue the values
and customs to which they have been raised.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

It's not your grandma's bible, unless she was one of them.

The Rogue Pirate's Bible Heretical according to John Klawitter is now available as an e-book in all downloadable formats including Kindle, and as a trade paperback and an audio book. For details go to http://www.double-dragon-ebooks.com, or to http://audible.com, or to my website at http://www.johnklawitter.com.